تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Dr. Abir Benabid Najjar

Assistant Professor

Software Engineering Departement

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
B6, 3rd floor, office #38
مادة دراسية

IT212: Data Structures

Text Book:
Data Structures and Abstractions with Java
Second Edition
Frank M. Carrano
ISBN 0-13-237045-x


The following chapters are going to be covered – the order may change:

Ch # 1: Java classes                                                  Reading assignment

Ch # 2: Creating classes from other Classes               Reading assignment

Ch # 3: Designing Classes                                          (reading assignment, if you have missed it)

Ch # 4: Lists

Ch # 5: List Implementations that use arrays

Ch # 6: A list implementation that links data

Ch # 7: Completing the linked Implementation of a list

Ch # 8: Iterators

Ch # 9: The efficiency of algorithms

Ch # 13: Sorted lists

Ch # 14: Inheritance and lists                                     Reading assignment       

Ch # 16 : Searching

Ch # 21: Stacks

Ch # 22: Stack implementation

Ch # 23: Queues, deques, and priority queues

Ch # 24: Queues, deques, and priority queues implementations

Ch # 25: Trees

Ch # 26: Tree Implementations

Ch # 27: A binary search tree implementation

Ch # 28: A heap implementation

Ch # 29: Balanced search trees

Additional chapter on B-Trees – see Slides

Ch # 30: Graphs

Ch # 31: Graph Implementation

Ch # 17: Dictionaries

Ch # 19: Introducing hashing

Ch # 20: Hashing as a dictionary implementation

Ch # 11 : An introduction to Sorting

Ch # 12: Faster Sorting Methods

ملحقات المادة الدراسية