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عبدالرحمن بن إبراهيم محمد الخضيري


رئيس جامعة نجران ،أستاذ بقسم الإحصاء وبحوث العمليات

كلية العلوم
المبنى 4 ، الدور الأرضي ، مكتب رقم 21 . أ . ب
مقال فى مجلة

A New Class of Bivariate Gompertz Distributions and its Mixture

, A. Al-khedhairi . 2008


A new class of bivariate Gompertz distributions is presented in this paper. The model introduced here is of Marshall-Olkin type. The used procedure is based on a latent random variable with exponential dis- tribution. A mixture of the suggested bivariate distributions is also derived. The obtained results in this paper generalize those of Marshall- Olkin bivariate exponential distribution and other present in the litera- ture.

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