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عبدالرحمن بن إبراهيم محمد الخضيري


رئيس جامعة نجران ،أستاذ بقسم الإحصاء وبحوث العمليات

كلية العلوم
المبنى 4 ، الدور الأرضي ، مكتب رقم 21 . أ . ب
مقال فى مجلة

Parameters estimation for a linear exponential distribution based on grouped data

, A. Al-khedhairi . 2008


This paper presents estimations of the parameters included in linear exponential distributions, based on grouped and censored data. The methods of maximum likelihood, regression and Bayes are discussed. The maximum likelihood method does not provide closed forms for the estimations, thus numerical procedure is used. The regression estimates of the parameters are used as guess values to get the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. Reliability measures for the linear exponential distribution are calculated. Testing the goodness of fit for the exponential distribution against the linear exponential distribution is discussed. Relevant reliability measures of the linear exponential distribution are also evaluated. A set of real data is employed to illustrate the results given in this paper.

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