تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Eyad Fawzi AlSaeed

Associate Professor

Cosultant Radiation Oncology

كلية الطب
Department Of Medicine
مادة دراسية

442 medicine

Description of the Course
The course will be for twelve (12) weeks,
The student will be posted as sub-intern to a consultant of any sub-specialty of
Medicine, either in King Khalid University Hospital (K.K.U.H), Security Forces
Hospital (S.F.H), and Riyadh Medical Complex (R.M.C), for six (6) weeks.
,In either end or at the beginning of the 7th week, they will be changed to the other
specialty of Medicine or other hospital as the case maybe.
Each rotation is good for  six (6) weeks; therefore each student will be rotated twice.
At the end of each rotation, the staff member will fill a form marking the student's        attendance, behavior, ability to take history, conduct physical examination, etc… This   marking will will be reflected in the CLINICAL ASSESSMENT MARKS.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية