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أنس بن محمد الرحيمي Anas Mohammed Alrohimi


معيد - وحدة المخ والأعصاب - الباطنة Teaching Assistant of Neurology - Scholar/Demonstrator

كلية الطب
neurology office , 32B , 3rd floor, KKUH

نماذج أسئلة

Select the best answer :


1- Migraine is most strongly associated with an increased risk of:


  A. Hemorrhagic stroke.

B. Myocardial infarction.

C. Ischemic stroke.

D. Cerebral vasospasm.


2- Blindness as a complication of giant-cell arteritis is generally caused by :


A. Occlusion of the posterior ciliary artery.

B. Occlusion of the central retinal vein.

C. Calcarine cortex infarct.

D. Protein C deficiency.


3- The most frequent cardiac cause of cerebral embolism is :


A. Atrial fibrillation.

B. Left ventricular thrombus.

C. Mitral stenosis.

D. Mechanical aortic valve.   

E. Left atrial myxoma.


4- The main regulator of blood pressure is:


A. The sympathetic nervous system.

B. The parasympathetic nervous system.

C. The kidneys.

D. the adrenal gland.


5- The artery of Percheron :


A. Arises from the distal basilar artery.

B. Supplies the cerebellar peduncle.

C. When occluded, results in bilateral thalamic\midbrain infarcts.

D. Is a vestigial remnant seen in 1% of cerebral arteriograms.


6- Acute inpatient stroke units:


A. Improve functional outcome from stroke but do not alter long-term survival.

B. Improve functional outcome and long-term survival and increase the number of patients who return home following a stroke.

C. Improve 6 week outcomes following a stroke but do not improve long-term independence or long-term survival.

D. Improve short-term survival but do not improve long-term survival.