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Prof. Azmat Ali Khan


Top 2% scientists list 2023 Stanford University

كلية الصيدلة
College of Pharmacy, Building no. 23, Ist floor, Chamber no. 1B-31, King Saud University

introduction/brief CV

The use of biotechnology offers a means of targeting the disease based on the basic information about the risk factor and related morbidities and pathogenesis of the disease. Various platforms like drug delivery vehicles, nanoparticle-based, carbon nanotubes, etc. are being developed and used in cancer detection. The detection techniques are handy, fast, cheap, require less human expertise, and above all, highly sensitive and reliable, and are most relevant for use in point-of-care cancer detection. My main research interest is in finding novel, non-toxic nano-conjugates that could be utilized as potential chemotherapeutic agents. I study the synthesis of novel drug conjugates using natural compounds or commercially available drugs. Additionally, I develop drug formulations using nanoparticles based on synthesized drug conjugates and evaluate the anticancer, antifungal, or antibacterial potential of these formulations. My research particularly focuses on exploring the potential of these conjugates and nano-formulations in reducing the risk of cancer. My work highlights the efficacy of these novel synthesized conjugates as sources of anti-cancer agents or adjuvants for cancer chemotherapy. Moreover, I also evaluate these conjugates and nano-formulations in targeted therapies for cancer by inhibiting the activity of pathways and preventing cancer progression. Overall, the work in cancer research highlights the critical role of nano-biotechnology, natural compounds, genetics, and targeted therapies in the field of cancer research and ultimately improves cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. My research has been published in numerous high-impact journals and I have received several awards and honors for this research contributions.

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by Azmat Ali Khan, Amer M Alanazi, Nawaf Alsaif, Mohammad Al-Anazi, Ahmed YA Sayed, Mashooq Ahmad Bhat
by Azmat Ali Khan, Amer M Alanazi, Nawaf Alsaif, Nasser Algrain, Tanveer Ahmad Wani, Mashooq Ahmad Bhat