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Hisham Alsanawi, MD د. هشام بن عبدالعزيز الصنعاوي

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor and Orthopedic Consultant أستاذ مساعد وأستشاري العظام

كلية الطب
College of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics, level II
course material

Sample Tests


The following MCQs are only samples to show the format of the test. The questions in real tests will be based mostly on clinical senarios. Students will be asked to choose the best answer among 4 options. 

1 - chondroblastomas most commonly occurs in ?

a- epiphysis
b- diaphysis
c- metaphysis
d- medullary cavity

answer is a . other epiphyseal tumor is osteoclastoma also called THE GIANT CELL TUMOR .

2 - BOUCHARD'S NODES are seen in ?

a- proximal IP joints
b- distal IP joints
c- sternoclavicular joints
d- knee joints

answer is a . PIP JOINTS in rheumatoid arthritis . remember my mnemonic BRA . :-)


3 - positivity of HLA B 27 in ankylosing spondylitis is ?

a- 96 %
b- 10 %
c- 78 %
d- 100 %

answer is a .


4 - osteoarthritis involves all except ?

a- hip joint
b- knee joint
c- distal interphalangeal joints
d- metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb
e- shoulder joint

answer is d .


5 - metabolic bone disease is caused by excess intake of which vitamin ?

a- vit A
b- vit B
c- vit C
d- vit D
e- vit E

answer is both a and d . that is both vitamin A and D .


6 - osteoporosis is associated with ?

a- smoking
b- reduced weight for height
c- family history present
d- late child birth

answer is a .


7 - trendelenburg test is positive due to injury of which nerve ?

a- superior gluteal nerve
b- inferior gluteal nerve
c- pudendal nerve
d- obturator nerve

answer is a . superior gluteal nerve supplies the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus which are the abductors of hip.


8 - sever's disease refers to ?

a- calcaneum
b- radius
c- talus
d- capitulum

answer is a . calcaneum osteochondritis is called sever's disease . the osteochondritis of the navicular bone is called kohler's disease . osteochondritis of the capitulum of the humerus is called panner's disease .


9 - lisfranc dislocation is ?

a- tarsometatarsal dislocation
b- lunate dislocation
c- scaphoid dislocation
d- posterior dislocation of the elbow

answer is a . tarsometatarsal dislocation.


10 - pathological changes in caissons disease is due to ?

a - N2
b- O2
c- CO2
d- CO

answer is a .