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Prof. Dr. Hatim A. Aboalsamh


Computer Science Department

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Office: 2205, Building: 31, P.O. Box: 51178, KSU, Riyadh 11543, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

CSC - 590 (Special topics in Human Computer interactions (HCI))

This course is intended for the graduate student who is interested in the subject of HCI. When you finish the course work successfully, you are expected to:
1- Write in scientific research style (title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, sections, conclusions, results, and referencing).
2- Know the scientific, psychological, and physiological basses of HCI for normal people.  
3- Understand human interaction properties (visual, audible, cognitive)
4- Organize a literature review of a selected topic in HCI.
5- Collect scientific papers done on HCI.
6- Prepare a review written as a scientific paper.
7- Deliver a presentation of your work.

course attachements