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Jamil Binabid جميل عابد

Assistant Professor

أستاذ مساعد

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
Building Number 32, 2nd Floor, Office Number 2183

Arch 256 - Basic Design

The course and studio focus on principles of two and three-dimensional, principles design, practice in using color and its effects on visual perception and psychology. Also, aims to introduce the student to the conditions, elements, tools and concepts of design. It focuses on abstract geometric shapes and their optical properties. It is particularly aimed at encouraging students to think creatively and learn about artistic and architectural works, knowledge of terms and vocabulary of architecture to gain the ability to express visual ideas correctly. Identify the important technical aspects involved in the design process, which helps the designer to plan and design for his work and buildings according to the principles and rules of objectivity using the elements of the formation and its vocabulary of the point, line, area, texture and color, depending on the structural foundations of the technical work (the foundations of design) unit and balance and rhythm and others of the foundations.

course attachements