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Khalid Ibn Elwalid Ahmed Abdoun, PhD, Avh Research Fellow



كلية علوم الأغذية والزراعة
Department of Animal Production, Building 2, Room 2A/11

Assessment of heat tolerance and production performance of Aardi, Damascus, and their crossbred goats

Abdoun, Khalid A. . 2016

Goats . Crossbreeding . Adaptability . Heat tolerance . Thermoregulation . Heterosis . Bioclimatolog

The question of whether the adaptability and production performance in goats may be enhanced using a crossbreeding program between bucks of a native and heat-tolerant breed and does of an exotic and dual-purpose breed was approached and examined herein by comparing purebred Aardi and Damascus goats and their crossbred lines (i.e., 1/2 Aardi 1/2 Damascus (½A½D) and 1/4 Aardi 3/4 Damascus (¼A¾D)) reared in a region characterized by dry and hot
bioclimatic conditions. Twenty-four male 6-month-old kids randomly segregated into four groups (six replicates/group)
were used for the experiment. Climatic, thermo-physiological, biophysiological, metabolic, blood hematological, and biochemical measurements were all determined. The obtained results indicated that such a program was proven to be successful. This conclusion was demonstrated by the findings that crossbred goats (i.e., 1/2A1/2D and 1/4A3/4D) under such bioclimatic conditions were able to show (P<0.05) higher heat tolerance capabilities compared to purebred Damascus goats as well as manifested (P < 0.05) higher production performance compared to the purebred Aardi goats. Accordingly, these evidences could emphasize that the crossbreeding may enable these animals to display a simultaneous improvement of both traits by the possible benefits that could arise from heterosis and breed complementarity. Researches dealing with this aspect may very well improve our understanding of goat’s production and welfare under harsh environmental conditions. Future studies should include an economic analysis of traits that have the potential to impact the overall profitability to a vertically coordinated system.

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Magazine \ Newspaper
Int J Biometeorol
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