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د.مؤيد الشهري | Dr. Moayad Alshehri

Assistant Professor

كلية الطب البشري- قسم الطب الباطني / وحدة الأمراض الصدرية والمناظير التداخلية | Pulmonology Unit - College of Medicine

كلية الطب
College of Medicine - 3rd floor

MED 441

As a 5th year student, you will be in your final year in med school. This course is the more clinical course when compared to what you have taken in MED 341 during your third year. We appreciate that by the end of this year you will graduate from med school and be ready for your internship year. That's why in this course we focus more into building the physician that we want to have in the team just the following year to shar his medical opinions and be an active part in diagnosing and managing the patients. The course is given over 12 weeks, and the evaluation is of multiple questions exams, OSCE exams as well as long case exam.

course attachements