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Naif Ayed Al-Hajri

Electric Circuit Lab

EE 205

Topics:    General introduction to the laboratory. Voltage, current, and power in DC circuits using KVL and KCL. Superposition, Thevenin's, and Maximum power transfer theorems in DC circuits; Series and parallel AC circuits; Resonance in series and parallel circuit; Maximum power transfer theorem and power factor improvement in AC circuits; Transients in DC circuits; Magnetically-coupled circuits; Three phase circuits.

Textbook: Boylestad, ”Introductory Circuit Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 2007.

Co-requisite: EE 212.

1) Introduction to the measurement of resistors, Current and Voltage, Division Rules and Δ - Y Transformations

2) Circuit measurements and simulation and verification of Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws
3)  Measurements with Oscilloscope

4) Thevenin’s and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems
5) Three Phase Circuit 
6) Transients in DC Circuits

7) Magnetically Coupled Circuits
8) Resonance in Series and Parallel Circuits


10%       attendance
15%      Quizes
30%      lab Reports
15%       one Midterm Exams
30%       Final Examination

course attachements