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Sumaya Omar M. Basudan سمية عمر محمد باسودان

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية طب الأسنان
Building 10, Office #33

Sample Exams



1. MCQ Questions:

A- The most reliable test to diagnose the condition of the pulp is:

                a. EPT

                b. cold test

                c. percussion test

                d. periapical radiographs


B- You want to do RCT for a lower premolar, what type of LA will you give?

                a. Buccal infiltration

                b. Mental block

                c. Inferior alveolar nerve

                d. Mental & inferior alveolar block

C- The concomitant pulpal and periodontal lesion

  a. Consists of two distinct disease processes involving the same tooth 

 b. Is characterized by pulpal necrosis and the formation of a draining sinus tract through the attachment apparatus  

 c. Is best described as a periodontal lesion that exposes lateral or accessory canals, resulting in pulpal inflammation or necrosis

 d. Is the result of endodontic and periodontal lesions that have coalesced 


D-  Which of the following tooth groups is the most difficult to anesthetize

a. Mandibular premolars     

b.  Maxillary premolars 

c. Maxillary molars   

d. Mandibular molars


2. Fill-in- the-blanks Question:

- The tip size of a size #30K file is 0.3…. mm, if we cut one mm from the tip, it becomes size #37…….


3. Short Notes Question:

- What does SLOB stand for?

Same Lingual Opposite Buccal


4. Essay Question:

- Root canal instrumentation is a major role in root canal treatment. Mention the objectives of instrumentation.

A) Biological Objectives

To remove all the pulp tissue, bacteria & their endotoxins from the root canal system.

B) Mechanical Objectives

1.      Continuously tapering (funnel) preparation, being widest coronally and narrowest apically

2.      Maintain original Anatomy

3.      Maintain position of foramen

4.      Maintain foramen as small as practical