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Wadi B. Alonazi

Associate Professor

Health Administration Department

كلية إدارة الأعمال
كلية ادارة الاعمال - الدور الثاني

اعلان لطلاب-تقويم نوعية الرعاية الصحية- شعبة 1930 -رمز المقرر 553درع

Dear student,
Alsalm Alikum Warahmout Allah Wabarkatouh.
First of all, thank you very much for registering in "Health Ecology -PA 516”. I am in-charge of instructing this subject under the cooperation of some of the internal and external professional healthcare specialists. The aim of this email/announcement is to welcome you and introduce some essential principles in this subject.
You are strongly encouraged to participate effectively to make the pedagogical outcomes of this subject useful in terms of theory and practice. While the theme of this subject is to understand how human and ecological processes can coexist in human-dominated systems and help societies with their efforts to become more sustainable, our major goal is to promote and improve the societies’ health through understanding the theoretical and practical applications of health ecology system in preventing disease and reducing health risks within our environment.
By the end of this course, we hope that you will have the sufficient knowledge and ability to demonstrate sound tools and measurements in reducing ecological health risks. Additionally, we strive to update you with the recent health ecological frameworks and issues related to the SA healthcare system.
This subject is delivered once a week, for G1928 and G54912  (Tuesdays 06:00 PM-09:00 PM and Sundays 08:00 AM- 11:00AM, repectively). It is a student-based-learning course- where periodically and in every lecture- some students are kindly nominated to discuss some chronologically listed subjects. 
Beside other references, one of the initial materials that we have to critically read through this semester is:
see the instructor
In case you do not have this reference, I may have the chance to drop a copy of this book in the student service center (Alqouaifel for instance).
Should you have any concern, please feel free to contact me via my official email. All communications are kept confidential and documented.
Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Wadi Alonazi (HIAA, PhD)

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