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Ebtisam Ali Sadiq


Professor of English

العلوم اﻹنسانية واﻻجتماعية
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مقال فى مجلة

Fate, Will and the Balance of Forces: A Theological Reading of Robert Browning's Poem 'Life in a Love'

Sadiq, Ebtisam Ali . 1996

Victorian Poetry
This paper is a theological reading of a love poem by Robert Browning. The poem’s speaker addresses a reluctant beloved who refuses to accept his suit. Her rejection gives him power and determination and endows his life with meaning. The article places such empowerment in a religious context. It claims that Browning’s faith strikes a fine balance between predestination and human will, between preordained fate and freedom of choice.


نوع عمل المنشور
Literary Criticism
رقم براءة الاختراع
المنظمة الممولة
King Saud University Research Center
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