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Ebtisam Ali Sadiq


Professor of English

العلوم اﻹنسانية واﻻجتماعية
Bldg 1 / Fl 3 / Off 123
براءة اختراع

Baxter's First Person Narrator: Between Mimetic Representation and Creative Expression

Sadiq, Ebtisam Ali . 1999

Contemporary American Fiction
This study explores the fictional work of a contemporary American writer, Charles Baxter, in different stages of its evolution with special emphasis on point of view. It highlights his strife for mimetic accuracy and objectivity during the early stages of his career especially in his first person narratives. The study also points out the gradual shift in commitment toward a concept of fiction as a personal and subjective form of expression.


نوع عمل المنشور
Literary Criticism
رقم براءة الاختراع
المنظمة الممولة
King Saud University Research Center
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