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أ.د. محمد آمون أحمد شرابي


أستاذ - مشرف مكتب الآيزو

كلية المجتمع بالرياض
مبنى 2، دور 2، مكتب 1
مقال فى مجلة

Adaptive Framework for Reliable Cloud Computing Environment

Amoon, Mohammed . 2016

Cloud computing technology has become an integral trend in the market of information
technology. Cloud computing virtualization and its Internet-based lead to various types of failures to occur
and thus the need for reliability and availability has become a crucial issue. To ensure cloud reliability
and availability, a fault tolerance strategy should be developed and implemented. Most of the early fault
tolerant strategies focused on using only one method to tolerate faults. This paper presents an adaptive
framework to cope with the problem of fault tolerance in cloud computing environments. The framework
employs both replication and checkpointing methods in order to obtain a reliable platform for carrying out
customer requests. Also, the algorithm determines the most appropriate fault tolerance method for each
selected virtual machine. Simulation experiments are carried out to evaluate the framework's performance.
The results of the experiments show that the proposed framework improves the performance of the cloud in
terms of throughput, overheads, monetary cost, and availability.

نوع عمل المنشور
Research article
رقم الانشاء
IEEE Access
مزيد من المنشورات

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بواسطة تأليف: Stefan Beissel, ترجمة أ.د. محمد آمون شرابي
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