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اسماء ابراهيم محمد الشبانه Asma Ibrahim Alshabanah



اللغات وعلومها
Building 4, Second Floor, Room 27

Comparative Constructions 2

Dear students,
The booklet will be available at the copy center on 1st floor in the college. Please buy it before you come to class next week. The booklet is under my name ( Asma Alshabanah) with the course number: 125 ENGT (Comparative Constructions2). You can also download it from the attachment.

مزيد من إعلان

Dear students, The booklet will be available at the copy center on 1st floor in the…


Dear students, The booklet will be available at the copy center on 1st floor in the…


Dear students, The booklet will be available at the copy center on 1st floor in the…