تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د. علي بن حسن القحطاني | Dr. Ali Hasan Alqahtani

Associate Professor

عميد كلية الهندسة التطبيقية | Dean

كلية الهندسة فرع المزاحمية
Al-Muzahmiah Branch, Building: 02, 2st Floor, S-102
مادة دراسية

AEE 3430: Communication System Principles

Overview and Basic elements of Communication Systems; Transmission through Systems and Channels; Modulation; AM; Frequency Conversion; FM and PM; Superhetrodyne Receiver; FDM; Stereo Broadcasting; Sampling; Pulse Modulation (PAM, PWM, PPM); TDM; Pulse Code Modulation (PCM); DPCM and DM; Regenerative Repeaters; Advantages of Digital Communication; Line Coding (Binary Signaling); Introduction to Digital Modulation (ASK, FSK, PSK).

Similar courses in other institutes:
EE 442: 
Analog and Digital Communication Systems,  @Sonoma State Uiversity, USA.
EE 370: Communication Engineering I,@ KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.
EE 179: Analog and Digital Communication Systems, @ Stanford University, USA. 
EECS 562: Introduction to Communications Systems, @ Kansas University, USA.
EE3008: Principles of Communications, @ Ciyu university of Homg Kong, China


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