تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د/عبد الرحمن ماجد محمد آل مبارك Dr.Abdulrahman AlMubarak

Assistant Professor

أستاذ مساعد قسم الانسجه المحيطه بالاسنان

كلية طب الأسنان
كلية طب الأسنان
مادة دراسية



This course consists of a didactic and clinical component with four credit hours. It will cover

  1. The treatment of different types of periodontal diseases.

  2. The interrelation between periodontics and related dental specialties.

  3. Introduction to the surgical approaches in the management of moderate   to advanced periodontal diseases

  4. The role of occlusion in periodontal diseases and management.

  5. The surgical aspect of implant dentistry and management of tissues around implants in health and disease.


At the end of this course the student should be able to present:

  1. Perform a comprehensive diagnosis, discuss prognosis and make treatment plan which includes the specific surgical approaches necessary.

  2. Master the motivation and oral hygiene instruction of patients in addition to subgingival scaling and root planing.

  3. Describe the indication and procedure of specific surgical technique

  4. Understands the objective and different procedures of crown lengthening technique

  5. Under stands the importance of post surgical follow up and wound healing.

  6. Asses and evaluate the result of the performed therapy and project the long term result.

  7. Be aware of recent advances in periodontics

  8. Understands the role of trauma from occlusion in the etiology of periodontal disease

  9. Develop the necessary knowledge for peri-implant structure and skills for implants maintenance
ملحقات المادة الدراسية