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Zuhair Abdulrahman Al-Qahtani



كلية الصيدلة
Building 23, Floor 1

Pharmacy Practice Lab-3 (PHCL 413)

Course description:      


 This course consists of 6 consecutive courses that deal with the practical application of scientific and clinical knowledge used in the provision of pharmaceutical care. Activities include professionalism, communication skills, prescription compounding, calculations, use and practice of drug information, physical assessment, devices-use competency, adherence, and medication safety. The course will utilize, problem based learning and simulated or actual clinical cases to continue development of students’ knowledge base in human disorders and therapeutics and enhance their skills in problem solving, organization, communication, and literature assessment. Students will also learn how to recommend over-the-counter (OTC) products, dietary supplements, natural products and other alternative medicine therapies. 


Reading Materials:

This course depends on different reading materials. Reading materials will be provided to students one week before the next Topic.


Exam sample: will be available in mid of semester 


course attachements