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Dr. Mohammad Ashraful Karim Chowdhury

Associate Professor


كلية الهندسة
Office room - 2A/105/3, Department of Industrial Engineering, King Saud University, KSA.

IE 251 Manufacturing Materials

  • To develop an understanding of the impact of modern materials on the performance of products that are encountered daily, such as bicycles, beverage containers, and sports equipment.
  • To develop an understanding of the classes of engineering materials (metal alloys, polymers, ceramics and composites), with an emphasis on their properties and their uses.
  • To understand how the materials selection process fits into the product design, development and manufacturing process used by industry today. To come to appreciate that product cost and quality play a key role in the materials selection process.
  • To recognize that environmental regulations (emissions), and societal pressures (energy, safety) can strongly influence the adoption of new technologies and alternate materials.
  • To discuss the competition of alternate materials for the same application.
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