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أستاذ علم الطفيليات بقسم علم الحيوان - كلية العلوم - جامعة الملك سعود

كلية العلوم
94 م 5 الدور الثالث
Journal Article

Mohammed I. Y. Elmallah,Manal F. Elkhadragy,Ebtesam M. Al-Olayan andAhmed E. Abdel Moneim (2017); Protective Effect of Fragaria ananassa Crude Extract on Cadmium-Induced Lipid Peroxidation, Antioxidant Enzymes Suppression, and Apoptosis in Rat Testes, Int

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Resveratrol (RSV), a non-flavonoid stilbene polyphenol, possesses anti-carcinogenic activities against
all the major stages of cancer. Zein nanoparticles (ZN NPs) have been utilized…

by Maan T. Khayat1, Mohamed A. Zarka2, Dalia Farag. A. El‑Telbany3, Ali M. El‑Halawany4, Hussam Ibrahim Kutbi5, Walid F. Elkhatib6,7, Ayman M. Noreddin8,9, Ahdab N. Khayyat1, Rania Farag A. El‑Telbany10, Sherif F. Hammad11,12, Ashraf B. Abdel‑Naim13, Ebtesam
Published in:
Scientific Reports

Objectives: Diabetes creates oxidative stress, which damages several organs and causes various problems
including hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and maybe iron dyshomeostasis.…

by Purabi Sarkar a, Stefi V. Raju b, Manikandan Velayuthamb, Ajay Guru c, Mukesh Pasupuletid,e, Ebtesam M. Al Olayan f, Amy F. Boushra g, Annie Juliet h, Jesu Arockiaraj
Published in:
Journal of King Saud University – Science

Environmental and occupational exposure to heavy metals, including cadmium (Cd), is associated with extremely
adverse impacts to living systems. Antioxidant agents are suggested to eliminate…

by Ebtesam M. Al Olayan b,⁎, Abeer S. Aloufi a,b, Ohoud D. AlAmri b, Ola H. El-Habit c, Ahmed E. Abdel Moneimc,⁎
Published in:
Science of the Total Environment