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هنادي مهدي علي اليامي



نماذج اسئلة

Examination  module

 1-        You have a 22 years old female complaining of toothache, after clinical and radiographical examination you decided to extract the tooth, however , the patient is having asthma.

a-        Use local anesthesia with epinephrine

b-       Use local anesthesia with out epinephrine

c-        As long as you use enough local anesthesias it does not matter.

d-       The patient should not use his medication 24 hours before tooth extraction.


2-       Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of zygomatic fracture.

a-        Bleeding from the nose

b-       Posterior open bite

c-        Sub conjunctival  hemorrhage

d-       Numbness of the check


3-       You have a patient seeking dental implants in the area of tooth 46. The distant between teeth number 45 and 47 is 8mm. you should.


a-        Place two implants because you have enough space

b-       Place only one implant because the space is not enough for two implants

c-        Best to do a three unite bridge

d-       You should consult the prosthodontics if they need one or two implant the place one or two implants as per prosthodontics.


4-       You have a 55 years old male patient with prosthetic heart valve . you are going to extract tooth number 44, you should do.


a-        Give him a moxacillion 500 mg one hour before surgery

b-       Give him a moxacillion 2000 mg one hour before surgery

c-        Give him a moxacillion 3 gm one hour before surgery

d-       Do not give him antibiotics.


5-       During extraction of tooth number 17 you bushed the tooth into the maxillary sinus, then you should do.

a-        Take an x-ray , then give patient antibiotic and follow him very close.

b-       Remove the tooth immediately if you can

c-        Keep the extraction site open and do not remove the tooth

d-       Close the extraction site and do not remove the tooth


6-       Which of the following is not a sign of mandibular body fracture


a-        Malocclusion

b-       Sublingual hematoma

c-        Movement of the fracture segments

d-       Posterior nasal bleeding


7-       You are starting to treat a patient with a radiolucent cyst in the mandible at retro molar area. The first thing you should do.

a-        Do a small incision then do a biopsy

b-       Do a diagnostic aspiration

c-        Do a large incision then do excisional biopsy

d-       Give the patient antibiotics for two weeks before you do any things


8-       You placed an implant (3.5 /13mm) at the area of tooth 36, however, the placement torque is 5  cmn, you should.

a-         Place a covering screw and keep the implant for 12 weeks preload.

b-       Place longer implants  3.5/16mm

c-        Place wider implants 4.3/13mm

d-       Remove your implant and do not place ant things


9-       Aspirin will effect

a-        The INR

b-        APTT

c-        Bleeding time

d-       All of the above