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لطفية بكري محمد البكري


عضو هيئة تدريس

اللغات وعلومها
مبنى 4 الدور الثاني مكتب S22

Translation in the Field of Engineering

  • Developing advanced translation skills and receiving practical training in authentic engineering texts covering major branches of the field such as mechanical, chemical, petroleum, civil engineering, architecture (Islamic & ancient Egyptian, etc…


  • Developing the students’ skills of speed, accuracy and fidelity.


  • Introducing students to the engineering terms and teaching them how to consult monolingual dictionaries (English-English and Arabic-Arabic), bilingual dictionaries (English-Arabic and Arabic-English), and specialized dictionaries, as well.


  • Acquainting students with the stylistic, linguistic and structural features of the scientific register mainly because engineering is a highly specialized branch of science.


course attachements