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د. مبارك بن هادي القحطاني Dr. Mubarak H. Alkhatnai

Associate Professor

Dean of Quality and Development - Deanship of Quality and Development عميد عمادة التطوير والجودة

اللغات وعلومها
2113 College of Languages and Translation



 ملف يحتوي ابرز النشاطات المتعلقة بتخصصات الكلية من مؤتمرات ومحاضرات وانشطة اكاديمية وتدريبية…

introduction/brief CV

Hello and welcome to my academic website.

Please feel free to wander around and do not hesitate to get in touch if I can be of any help. 

Thank you 


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 Sight Translation Course number: 313     Course Description: The purpose of the course is train students…


This course, a set of selected chapters about text linguistics, aims to study language out of context, language in context, written and spoken discourse, standards of textuality, cohesion and…


This course aims at raising awareness of the importance of computer applications to translation, providing students with knowledge about using computer in translation, providing them with…

office hours

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
from _ 01:00 PM _ _ _ 12:00 PM _
to _ 02:00 PM _ _ _ 01:00 PM _
location _ Building 9 Building 9 _ _ _ Deanship of Development and Quality Deanship of Development and Quality _