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Assoc. Prof. Walid tawfik Younes Mohamed



Phys 331
PHYS 331 Optics (3 credit hours)
Instructor: Dr. Walid Tawfik
Office:2 A 24
Lectures:SMW (9:00-10:00) in room 1B 100
Text book:
·أمواج واهتزازات (د. عبدالله الضويان و د. محمد الصالحي)
Reference book
·Introduction to Optics 3th ed. By Frank J. Pedrotti, Leno S. Pedrotti


  • Homework - 10%
  • 2 Exams at 20% each - 40%
  • Final Exam - 50%


  • Wave theory of light (4 weeks)
  • Interference (4 weeks)
  • Polarization of light (2 weeks)
  • Diffraction (3 weeks)
  • Applications (1 week)

Waves theory of light:wave equation, sinusoidal waves, phase velocity, complex representation, and plane waves.
Superposition of waves:superposition principle, superposition of waves of the same frequency, standing waves, phase and group velocities, energy and power, random and coherent Sources.
Interference: two-beam interference, Young's double-slit experiment, double-slit interference with virtual sources, interference in dielectric films, Newton's Rings.
Optical Interferometry:Michelson, Mach-Zehnder, and Fabry-Perot interferometer.
Polarization: Linear, circular, and elliptical polarization, production of polarized light, double refraction (birefringence), optical activity, and photo elasticity.
Diffraction of light:types of diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction by single slit, by double slit, and by many slits, rectangular and circular apertures, beam spreading, and resolution. Diffraction grating, grating equation, dispersion, types of grating and grating instruments.


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