تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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مها بنت محمد بن عبدالعزيز اليحيى Maha Al-Yahya

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس في قسم تقنية المعلومات

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
مبنى رقم ٦- الدور الأرضي

ندوة البحث العلمي في تقنية المعلومات

The First Information Technology Research Forum (ITRF) will provide an opportunity for the faculty from the Information Technology Department to gather and celebrate the department's outstanding research accomplishments. It will offer a venue for discovering what is going on throughout the department in terms of research activities with the aim of stimulating dialogue, inspiring new initiatives, and facilitating collaboration and the exchange of ideas and research experiences among the IT faculty.
In particular, we are hoping that this forum will encourage junior faculty to collaborate and join senior faculty in various research initiatives within the IT discipline.
The program will have an interactive format starting out with a brief overview of the research interests and activities of the IT faculty followed by a discussion session. The research areas will be divided into various categories or themes. A chairperson will be assigned for each theme and people interested in the same theme will be seated together at one table. The chairperson will act as the facilitator coordinating the discussion at her table. In the latter part of the forum, people from different tables would be encouraged to mingle with each other enabling them to find out about research areas other than their own.
We hope that this forum will continue to be held on a regular basis and will play a key role in fostering interactions among the faculty and cultivating a vibrant research environment within the department.
Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Maha Al-Yahya, Head, Information Technology Department (Chair)
  • Dr. Muna Saleh AlRazgan, Vice Head, Information Technology Department (Vice Chair)
  • Dr. Rabia Jafri Ali, Assistant Professor, Information Technology Department (General Organization)
  • Ms. Joharah Saeed Khatbi, Lecturer, Information Technology Department (General Organization)