تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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محمد سعود العنزي


المشرف على كرسي ابحاث الجينوم

كلية العلوم
مادة دراسية

361 كيح. الأحياء الجزيئية

  • The students should get a clear knowledge and understanding of the structure of the Human genome
  • To understand the similarities and differences between human genomes and genomes of other organisms
  • To have a clear understanding of the organization and functions of the human genome.
  • To understand how genes are expressed and how the expression is controlled at different levels.
  • To learn how defects in the genome can result in genetic diseases.
  • To learn how the purines and pyrimidines synthesized and broken in the body and what diseases may result due to defective synthesis or breakdown.
  • To have a clear understanding of the practical methods involved in the study of the human genetic materia
ملحقات المادة الدراسية