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د. نجلاء بنت عبدالرحمن النبهان

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor in Computer Science

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building 6, 3rd Floor, office# 6T120
مادة دراسية

CSC 311: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Code: CSC 311
Title: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Credits: 3 Hours
Course Instructors: Dr. Ghada Al-Nifie & Dr. Najla Al-Nabhan
Course Coordinator: Dr. Ghada Al-Nifie
Tutorial: TA. Eman Almoaili
Semester: II
Academic Year: 1437/1438

Course Specification


Institution: King Saud University       
College/Department:  Computer and Information Sciences/Computer Science

A. Course Identification and General Information

1.  Course title and code:  CSC 311/Design and Analysis of Algorithms
2.  Credit hours:  3
3.  Program(s) in which the course is offered. BSc mandatory course
4.  Level/year at which this course is offered: 6th level
5.  Pre-requisites for this course (if any):  CSC212 (Data Structures) + CSC281 (Discrete Math)
6.  Co-requisites for this course (if any):  none
7. Required Textbook
Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms – 3rdEdition . A. Levitin, Pearson Addison-Wesley.
8. Course Instructors
Dr. Ghada M. Alnifie
Office#: 216.
Email: galnifie@ksu.edu.sa
Dr. Najla Al-Nabhan
Office #: 3.
Email: nalnabhan@ksu.edu.sa
Ms. Eman Almoaili
Email: ealmoaili@KSU.EDU.SA 

C.  Course Description
Mathematical essentials; sorting; space and time complexity; algorithm design methods: greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming; introduction to graph theory; and NP-completeness.

  1. Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester
Tasks Marks Date
- Homework and a programming project 20 points. TBA
- Midterm I 20 points. Monday 28/6/1438.
- Midterm II 20 points. Monday 12/8/1438.
- Final exam 40 points. Monday 17/9/1438.
  1. Course Policies

Exam Policies:

  • NO makeup exams, exceptions will be considered (in midterm only) with evidence and the approval of the exam committee. The student is fully responsible for following-up her request.
  • Please arrive early to your exam room.
  • Mobiles AND Translators are NOT allowed in the exams.
  • Borrowing is not allowed in the exams; please bring your complete kit.
  • All exams are closed book. Do not bring any external notes or papers.
  • More than one answer is not acceptable for a single question.
  • Academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited, and both parties will be penalized and will be given “zero”.

   Deadline Policy:

  • All assignments and projects will be given with a strict deadline. Students are required to submit their assignments and projects on or before the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.  In case of extenuating circumstances, students are advised to contact their lecturer as soon as practical.  Exams, quizzes, assignments, and projects must be student’s individual work.
  1. Attendance Policy:
  • The attendance policy follows the guidelines stated in the KSU Catalogue (http://www.KSU.edu.sa/). 
  • CCIS has changed its internal attendance policy starting this Semester. Any student with absence of 25% or more will be barred from entering the final exam, NO EXCEPTIONS will be made (even if the student is in his/her final Semester).
  • NO medical excuses should be accepted as a way for deducting the number of absence days (25% of allowed absence in a Semester is actually there for the purpose of such health or other emergency circumstances). 
  • A medical excuse may only be used in the case that a student misses an exam (to allow for a make-up exam), however, the absence should still be counted. The college will be very strict in applying them starting this Semester.
  • Students must assume full responsibility for any loss incurred because of absence, whether excused or unexcused. 
  • All work missed because of absences will receive a grade of zero. 
  • Excused absences are those resulting from the student’s participation in a University-sponsored activity, from recognizable emergencies, or from serious illness. (upon approval)
  • Students are encouraged to participate actively in class discussion and presentation.
  1. Cheating Policy:
  • All students must obey the KSU Honor Code diligently.  The Honor Code is based on the need for trust in an academic community.  KSU’s Honor Code is a system developed by and maintained for the welfare of its students, and all students should make sure that they read and understand the provisions outlined in the Student Handbook (read http://www.ksu.edu.sa).  All work completed for this will be considered pledged.  CHEATING IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TOLERATED AT KSU UNIVERSITY.  Plagiarism is a violation of the Honor code.  All papers submitted in this course are subject to evaluation using plagiarism detection software.
  • If the instructor determines that a student has cheated on an assignment, the grade of “F” may be assigned for the entire course.  “Cheating” is the use of unauthorized resources and/or work of another including but not limited to homework, tests, papers, presentations and exams.  Unless specifically instructed otherwise, students are to assume that all coursework is to be the work of the individual student alone.  If a student is unsure as to whether collaboration is permitted, the instructor should be contacted in advance of performing the work.  If a faculty member penalizes a student in a course for an Honor Code violation, they should also bring formal charges against the student with the University Honor Board. 


ملحقات المادة الدراسية