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أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية/مشرف كرسي المؤشرات الحيوية للأمراض المزمنة

كلية العلوم
2أ51 مبنى كلية العلوم رقم 5
مقال فى مجلة

Potential ultrastructural changes in rat epididymal cell types induced by Boswellia papyrifera and Boswellia carterii incense

Ghodesawar, Mukhtar Ahmed 1, Nasser Al-Daghri, Abdul Halim Harrath, Majed S Alokail, Ravindranath H Aladakatti, Mukhtar Ahmed G . 2013



Boswellia papyrifera and Boswellia carterii, known as Arabian incense, diffuses smoke, contaminating the air, which adversely affects human health. Therefore, this study was designed to ascertain the effect of these plants on histopathological and ultrastructure changes in cauda epididymis of Albino rats. Animals were exposed to 4 g/kg body weight of B. papyrifera and B. carterii daily for 120 days along with suitable controls. Our study indicates a significant reduction in epithelial heights. Cells showed signs of degeneration. The ultrastructural study revealed that the cauda epididymis was affected, including its cell types. Furthermore, a decrease in the size of mitochondria, Golgi complex, and both ERs was observed. In all treated groups, plasma fructose decreased considerably, indicating the sign of reduced energy, vital for motility and other sperm functions. The results of this study suggest that these plants systematically affect cauda epididymal cell types and its lumen through its potential toxicity.

Keywords: Albino rats; B. carterii; B. papyrifera; Cauda epididymis; Dosage du fructose; Fructose assay; Morphometry; Morphométrie; Queue de l’épididyme; Rats albinos; Ultrastructural; Ultrastructure.

نوع عمل المنشور
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
C R Biol
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