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نوره عبد الحميد حسن شقير

Assistant Professor

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The Aesthetic of Cognitive Mapping: An Approach to Arts-Based Research and Critical Artmaking

شقير, Noura Shuqair نوره . 2019

arts-based research Cognitive mapping Critical Theory Fredric Jameson Aesthetics

First, this paper explains the concept of the critical theorist, Fredric Jameson, for the aesthetics of cognitive mapping and its origin. Then the researcher distinguishes between traditional cognitive mapping and Jameson’s cognitive mapping model. Next, the paper offers an analysis of a contemporary example of cognitive mapping by the Romanian artist, Dan Perjovschi. Finally, the research proposes that Jameson’s model for the aesthetics of cognitive map- ping can become a visual pedagogical tool for art researchers and students in art classrooms and museums to use to produce art that reveals more clearly the unseen connections between a problem or an object and its relationship to the larger, invisible global world. Such cognitive maps are pedagogical in nature in that they let us actually conceptualize the complexity of interconnected economic, social, and political realities. They are aesthetic in that they produce new artistic forms actually capable of imagining this remarkable needed complexity.

رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
2/2019 - June issue
Research in Arts & Education
مزيد من المنشورات

First, this paper explains the concept of the critical theorist, Fredric Jameson, for the aesthetics of cognitive mapping and its origin. Then the researcher distinguishes between traditional…

بواسطة Noura Shuqair نوره شقير