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Prof. Mohammed Rafiq H. Siddiqui



كلية العلوم
مادة دراسية

CHEM 523 - Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry

CHEM 523 - Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry

Vibrational spectroscopy, selection rules, Interpretation of IR Spectra of ligands and metal complexes.

Rotational spectroscopy, selection rules, Interpretation of IR Spectra of ligands and metal complexes.

ESR spectroscopy: selection rules, Characteristics of g, Factors Affecting the Magnitudes of g-Values, Application of ESR.

NMR spectroscopy: principal of NMR, chemical shift, splitting of signals, integration of signals, Coupling Constant, Application of NMR in Inorganic Compounds.

Mossbauer spectroscopy and x- ray single crystal analysis

ملحقات المادة الدراسية