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Rabiul Ahasan


Human Factors & Ergonomics

كلية الهندسة
Room No: 2A_121/1, 2nd Floor, Building-3, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, PO Box 800, Riyadh-11421, Saudi Arabia
مقال فى مجلة

Awareness on e-Health among Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh.

Ahasan, Siti Mohamad Sharun, Chowdhury Akram Hossain, Mohamad Afendee, Saniat Rahman Zishan, Rabiul . 2019

Ahasan R (2002). Ergonomics evaluation of strenuous tasks in hot environment. Finnish Work Environment Fund [available: http://www.tsr.fi/tutkimus/tut4_a_f.html], Helsinki, Finland.
Ahasan R, Salmoni A (2001). Human factors’ requirement for proper use of technical aid. In: T Gregson (eds.), International Conference on Business [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii, USA.
Ahasan R, Salmoni A (2001). Ergonomics of non-formal driving in the old age. In: T Gregson (eds), International Conference on Business [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii.
Ahasan R, Salmoni A, Campbell D (2001). Senior citizens in the west—is technical assistance a bad substitute. In: T Gregson (eds), International Conference on Business [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii, USA.
Ahasan R, Campbell D (2001). What are prospects and progress of introducing telemedicine technology for developing healthcare in the third world? In: T Gregson (eds), International Conference on Business [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii, USA.
Ahasan R, Campbell D (2001). Caring for environmental and occupational health—a simple case of neglect. In: T Gregson (eds), International Conference on Business [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii, USA.
Ahasan R, Campbell D, Salmoni A (2001). Health care to clothing care: an ergonomic model for our disabled friends. In: T Gregson (eds), International Conference on Business [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii, USA.
Ahasan R, Salmoni A, Campbell D (2001). Family oriented rehabilitation—prospects of integrating senior citizens. In: T Gregson (eds), International Conference on Business, [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii, USA.
Ahasan R, Salmoni A (2001). Human factors’ requirement for proper use of technical aid. In: T Gregson (eds), International Conference on Business [June 14–17, 2001], Honolulu: Hawaii, USA.

نوع عمل المنشور
Research paper
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
Indian Journals.Com (ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506), Diva Enterprises
مزيد من المنشورات

In this research, for the disease identification part, machine learning techniques have been applied to identify three diseases which are Dengue, Diabetes, and Thyroid.

بواسطة Mohamad AM, Zishan SR, Ahasan R & Sharun SM
بواسطة Khan MHR , Hossain MS, Lua PL, Ahasan R, Tengku MA, Zubaidi AL1 , Muhammad Ilyas Nadeem , Baig AA