تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Siba Abuabat


T.A in Softwer Engineering Department

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Dir'iya Campus, Building #6, 3rd Floor, Office #6T135
مادة دراسية


 This course is an introduction to information ethics in general and to the professional and ethical aspects of the profession of software engineers. The objective is to make students aware and conscious about the importance of these aspects to be able to fulfill their duties and succeed in their mission. Ethics of Software Engineers and ethical behavior is covered in depth through the IEEE-CS/ACM software engineering code of ethics (with the respect to PUBLIC INTEREST, CLIENT and EMPLOYER, PRODUCT, JUDGMENT, MANAGEMENT, PROFESSION, COLLEAGUES, and SELF). The course covers also other important topics including: Software Engineering as an engineering and computing discipline; Professional aspects of the Software Engineer profession: certification, licensing, professional engineering societies, employment contracts, etc.; Group Dynamics, interaction with peers, stakeholders, and managers; Communication and presentation skills; Economic impact of Software systems; legal, social, etc. issues in Software Engineering; The profession of Software Engineer in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية