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د. وجــدي آســـر بـن محـمــد Dr. Wajdi A. BinMohammed

Assistant Professor

طبيب إستشاري و أستاذ مساعد – ثنائي التخصص: أشــــــعـــة و تــقـــويـــم الفم والوجه والفكين (أمريكا)

كلية طب الأسنان
Assistant Professor/Consultant: OMF-Radiologist & Orthodontist (USA)
مادة دراسية

343 DDS

Course title: Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology II.

Course No & Code: 343 DDS.

Credit Hours: 2 h (1h lecture & 1h Clinical).

Level: Third year.

Description: This is the second course of oral radiology which is comprehensive course in radiographic interpretation and differential diagnosis of developmental, pathological lesions and fractures of the jaws and associated structures.

The course is covered by the lectures in the first half of the year and practical and tutorials in the second half. The lectures in the first half will encourage the student to present and participate in case discussion sessions in the second half.

Required Textbook: Oral Radiology principles and Interpretation, 6th edition (2009) By: White and Pharoah.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية