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Woo Hyung Park

Assistant Professor


كلية الهندسة
Industrial Engineering 2A/108/3

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Woo-Hyung Park joined in the Department of Industrial Engineering at King Saud University, 2014, as an assistant professor. He holds BS (Industrial Engineering), BA (Psychology), MA (Psychology: visual attention and perception) and PhD (Industrial Engineering: Human Factors and Ergonomics) degrees. He is interested in human movement, and has studied two topics (finger force control and gait/posture control) in the view of theoretical challenges and human health. These topics have been investigated with healthy people, elderly, adolescents with scoliosis, and patients with low back pain. He is also interested in application of visual information processing to human performance and safety such as situation awareness during driving and piloting, visual fatigue, and design of road signs for drivers. His teaching interests are Human Factors Engineering, Human Performance and Behavior, and Occupational Biomechanics.

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


Safety Engineering


Occupational Biomechanics


Human Factors Engineering