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أستاذ تعلم وتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية بقسم المناهج وطرق التدريس

الكليات الانسانية
مبنى 15، 2، مكتب 15 أ2
مادة دراسية

CI 594 Teacher Education for TESOL

Brief Course Description

Course Title: Teacher Education for TESOL Course No.: CI594
Prerequisite Course: None Language of Instruction: English
Course Level: Masters Credit hours: 3/week


Course Description

The module starts by examining notions of the good language teacher then considers different ways in which the process of teacher education has been conceptualized. The notion of teacher learning is then introduced and factors which affect teachers' learning processes considered. The implications of the concepts analysed here for supporting teacher learning are considered throughout the module and applied in the final session on designing workshops for teachers.


Learning Outcomes

After course completion student will possess a systematic understanding and critical awareness of:

  1. the goals of TESOL teacher education;
  1. different models of teacher education;
  1. reflective practice and its implications for teacher education;
  1. the notion of teacher learning and the factors which affect teachers’ learning processes;
  1. the nature of teacher knowledge;
  1. teacher cognition and its relevance to teacher education.

Main textbook and supporting references:

Book Title Author Publisher Year
Teaching teachers: Processes and practices. Malderez, A., & Wedell, M. Continuum 2007
Main textbook
Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice Borg, S.. Continuum 2006
The Cambridge guide to second language teacher education Burns, A. & Richards, J.C. Cambridge University Press 2009


Main Topics:

The goals of teacher education
Models of teacher education
Reflective practice
Teacher learning
Teacher cognition
Designing and running workshops (if possible).

ملحقات المادة الدراسية