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أ.د. يوسف بن عبدالرحمن الناصر الشميمري


أستاذ تعلم وتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية بقسم المناهج وطرق التدريس

الكليات الانسانية
مبنى 15، 2، مكتب 15 أ2
مادة دراسية

CI 588 Evaluation for TESOL


Brief Course Description

Course Title: Evaluation for TESOL Course Number and Code: CI 588
Pre-requisite: None Language of Instruction: English
Course level: Masters Credit Hours:  3/week   
Course instructor: Prof. Yousif Alshumaimeri (yousif@ksu.edu.sa)
TEL:  4674640

Course Description

This course introduces the students to the skills needed to critically examine a range of issues concerning evaluation and testing in the context of TESOL. This is a practical course to help language teachers to understand the role of testing in language teaching (including discussion on how testing can encourage good teaching and learning). It also enables the students to take appropriate professional action in the light of their understanding and awareness of language testing.

Course Aims

1. to understand fundamental concepts in language testing and current concepts of assessment;
2. to understand approaches and techniques in language testing – both objective and subjective testing typology;
3. to critically examine the relationship of testing to teaching practice and syllabus design;
4. have an awareness of recent research in language assessment.

Learning Outcomes

After course completion student will be able to:
1. an understanding of different approaches to language testing.
2. to evaluate assessment tools and results.
3. to recognise core issues in language testing and explore alternative solutions through critical debate.
4. to recognise how the role, design and social status of language testing may vary in different cultural contexts

Main textbook and supporting references:

Testing for language teachers. Hughes, A. Cambridge University Press. 2003: 2nd ed.
Language Testing and Assessment. Fulcher, G. & Davidson, F. Routledge 2007
Assessing Young Language Learners McKay, P. Cambridge University Press 2006

ملحقات المادة الدراسية