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Naif Ayed Al-Hajri

Logic Design

EE 208

Course Objectives:The main objectives of this course are to introduce students to the Binary system representation and conversion to perform arithmetic and logic operations, and to design circuits by understanding the concept of the gates and how we can improve it in higher level. In addition the students have to study the synchronous sequential logic including flip flop and latches in order to consider registers and counters with some applications.

 Topics Covered:  Binary system representation including conversion between different systems and arithmetic and logic operations; Boolean algebra and logic gates representations, Gate Level minimization using the K-map with and without don’t care conditions; Combinational Logic including adders, multipliers; Synchronous sequential logic; Registers and counters.

Text Book:         M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall Edition, 2005


Week# Deliverables
1 Introduction of Binary System
2 Boolean Algebra & simplification techniques
3 Logic functions and Logic gates
4 SSI design using universal gates
5 Combinational logic design steps and practical applications
6 MSI design using Decoders
7 MSI design using Multiplexers
8 LSI design using ROMs
9 LSI design using PLAs
10 Flip-Flops and analysis of clocked sequential circuits
11 State diagram and state assignments
12 Counters -Registers



20%      Attendance
30%       Home Works
50%      Quizes

course attachements