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Dr. Omar Aldayel | د. عمر بن سعد الدايل

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

كلية الهندسة
Journal Article

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

[1]        B. Kang, O. Aldayel, V. Monga and M. Rangaswamy, "Spatio-Spectral Radar Beampattern Design for Co-existence with Wireless Communication Systems",  Aerospace and Electronic Systems, volume 55 , issue 2 , pages 644 - 657, April 2019.
[2]        O. Aldayel, V. Monga, and M. Rangaswamy, "Tractable Transmit MIMO Beampattern Design under a Constant Modulus Constraint," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 65, issue 10, pages 2588-2599, May 2017.
[3]        O. Aldayel, V. Monga and M. Rangaswamy, "Successive QCQP Refinement for MIMO Radar Waveform Design Under Practical Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 64, no. 14, pages 3760-3773, July 2016.

more of publication

[1]        B. Kang, O. Aldayel, V. Monga and M. Rangaswamy, "Spatio-Spectral Radar Beampattern Design for Co-existence with Wireless Communication Systems",  Aerospace and Electronic Systems,…


[1]        O. Aldayel, "Constrained Optimization for Milimeter Wave Array Diagnosis", IEEE Radar Conference, 2019, Accepted.