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Reem Jamaludein Saleh Alsafar


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية الطب
New ICU building, 2nd floor Anesthesia Department

Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation during whole lung lavage for treatment of alveolar proteinosis -A case report and review of literature

Abodonya, Abdelazeem El-Dawlatly, Waseem Hajjar, Sami Alnassar, Reem Alsafar, and Ahmed . 2011

Abstract Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease that affects young population usually in the age group of 20-40 years, characterized by the deposition of lipoproteinacious material in the alveoli secondary to abnormal processing of surfactant by macrophages. We report a case of a 15-year-old female who had history of cough with sputum for 3 days along with fever. She was seen in another hospital and was treated as a case of pneumonia where she received antibiotic but with no improvement. Computerized tomography (CT) chest showed diffuse interlobular septal thickening in the background of ground glass opacity giving a picture of crazy paving pattern which was consistent with the diagnosis of PAP. The patient was scheduled to undergo, first right-sided whole lung lavage (WLL) under general anesthesia. Endobronchial intubation using left sided 37 Fr double lumen tube. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) as described in our previously published report was connected to the right lumen of the endobronchial tube. CPAP ventilation was used during the suctioning of lavage fluid phase in order to improve oxygenation. WLL was done using 5 L of warm heparinized saline (500 i.u/litre). The same procedure was repeated on the left side using 6 L of heparinized normal saline solution. In conclusion, anesthesia in alveolar proteinosis for patients undergoing WLL is challenging to the anesthesiologist. It requires meticulous preoperative preparation with antibiotics, mucolytics and chest physiotherapy. Also it requires careful intraoperative monitoring and proper oxygenation especially during the suctioning phase of the lavaged fluid. With this second case report of successful anesthetic management using the modified CPAP system we recommend with confidence the application of CPAP ventilation to improve oxygenation during WLL. Keywords: Lactic acidosis, toluene, hyperlactemia

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بحث اكاديمي
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case report
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Abstract Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease that affects young population usually in the age group of 20-40 years, characterized by the deposition of lipoproteinacious material…

by Abdelazeem El-Dawlatly, Waseem Hajjar, Sami Alnassar, Reem Alsafar, and Ahmed Abodonya