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كلية الهندسة
مبنى كلية الهندسة / الدور الثاني / 2أ 43 / 2
مادة دراسية

الاقتصاد الهندسي (هعم 403) Engineering Economy (GE 403)

GE 403 Engineering Economy Content
1. Introduction to Engineering Economic Analysis: Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis, Economic Analysis Techniques. 
2. Time Value Of Money: Cash Flow Diagrams, Simple Interest Calculations, Compound  Interest Calculations, Multiple Compounding Periods in a year and Continuous Compound  Interest Calculations.
3. Equivalence and Indiffrence.
4. Comparison of Alternatives: Choosing Planning Horizons, 
5. Measures of Worth:
5.1 Present Worth Analysis: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, One shot investiment.
5.2 Payback Period: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives.
5.3 Capitalized Worth: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives.
5.4 Futur Worth Analysis: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, One shot investiment.
5.5 Annual Worth Analysis: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives, Least Common Multiple of Lives Assumption. Capital Recovery Cost.
5.6 Internal Rate of Return: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives.
5.7 External Rate of Return: Single Alternative, Multiple Alternatives. Analizing Alternatives With no Positive Cash Flow .
6. Depreciation.
7. Replacement Analysis.
8. Economic Analysis of Public Projects.
9. Cost Terminology: Life Cycle Viewpoint, Past/Future Viewpoint, Manufacturing Cost Structure  Viewpoint , Fixed/Variable  Viewpoint and Average/Marginal Viewpoint. 

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