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عضو هيئة تدريس- أستاذ -التلوث والسموم البيئية

كلية العلوم
كلية العلوم مبنى 5 الدور الثالث مكتب رقم 145

مقرر 109حين

This corse include:

: Prokaryotes Bacteria Viruses Eukaryotes (Basics of cell Biology): Cell types (Prokaryotes Eukaryotes). Cell organelles Macromolecules: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Enzymes and metabolic control Movement of materials into and out of the cell (cellular transport) Cellular respiration (production of energy) Mitotic division Meiotic division (and sexual life cycle) The chromosomal bases of inheritance First low of Mendel Second low of Mendel The genetic diseases, sex-linked disorders and mutations DNA and DNA-replication RNA and RNA-transcription From gene to protein (RNA translation) Cell division (cell cycle) Mendel and the gene idea: Molecular Biology (information codes and genes): Chemical signals in animals (endocrine system and hormonal regulation).

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