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عضو هيئة تدريس- أستاذ -التلوث والسموم البيئية

كلية العلوم
كلية العلوم مبنى 5 الدور الثالث مكتب رقم 145

مقرر 103 حين

This course includes:

Some difinitions realted to the course+ Eukaryotes (Basics of cell Biology): Cell types (Prokaryotes Eukaryotes)+type of the tissues(epithelium tissue- connective -musclular- nervous)+ Cell organelles Macromolecules: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Enzymes and metabolic control Movement of materials into and out of the cell (production of energy) Mitotic division Meiotic division (and sexual life cycle) Animal Classification
Systematic/Taxonomy +some examples of the protist -Animalia phylum Arthopoda+Mollusks _Anatomy +Physiology-Homeostasis -nitrution -digestion+metabolism.    .........

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